It's time to get on with the business of the nation.
WASHINGTON, DC. — As I watch the current issues in Congress, I am disheartened. The partisanship is spectacular. The media fuels it even more. Understandably, Americans are upset, confused, and untrusting of the leaders voted to represent them. Congress calls it the act of negotiation and the process of governing. Let's call it what it is: sad, egregious.
Holding the debt ceiling for ransom is dangerous. Congress approved three debt ceiling increases and a 2019 debt ceiling suspension during the last administration — but now are refusing to govern effectively. Why? It's nothing but a partisan political fight.
As a candidate running for Congress in the Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan, I am disgusted. Is this what I want? Is this who I will become? There must be a better way.
Let's start with the critical issues behind the debate:
Our leaders are putting political parties over caring for Americans.
They are metastasizing polarization without compromise.
They're operating as if they know better.
They will do whatever it takes to get re-elected, even if it's wrong.
Each side will prove the other wrong even if they're correct, and they do it by bending the truth as much as necessary.
How do we address this:
Implement bipartisan parley requirements.
Adhere to rules of etiquette and enforce decorum.
Change Congressional culture; stop personal rebukes, and start addressing the issues.
Always tell the truth even if it hurts.
Deploy fact-checkers to avoid confirmation biases.
Build genuine across-the-aisle relationships.
Randomize seating charts in chambers and in committee.
Deconcentrate leadership.
Reduce constant fundraising demands.
And, when everything fails, a 'time out' may be needed. Congress's actions are childish. The punishment should be commensurate.
Now to the debate:
Funding the government, and suspending or raising of the debt ceiling
Avoiding a government shutdown is a no-brainer. Pass it with universal support.
Both parties are responsible for the previous spending. The national debt has risen almost by $7.8 trillion during Trump's time in office. Republicans need to avoid a debt ceiling crisis and vote Yay, then the debate on further spending should continue.
Congress needs to do its job. The government has obligations to its citizens, including continuing to send out Social Security checks. Our elected representatives need to work together and lead. Debate the issues, present the value and need of investing in America without hyperbole. Get honest.
The Congressional majority is a mess, and it's hard to find an adult in the chamber. It's time to clean it up, get on with the nation's business, and govern. The American people are begging for real leadership.