I watch the 117th Congress and pray they work together to protect and fix medicare and social security without forgetting their core objective - to provide for the general well-being of its citizens.
Hardworking Americans have worked their whole lives to benefit from Social Security, and it would be shameful to gut it.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yes, Congress must address the federal budget deficit and the national debt. However, we should do it without sacrificing the government's core role - to provide for the general well-being of its citizens.
Crucial components of the federal budget need to be protected from destruction - education, healthcare, national defense, infrastructure, and Social Security.
It isn't either/or, e.g., 'balance the budget or save Social Security,' but both. Congress is obligated to do both. The task requires increased revenue and decreased spending, and we need compromise, collaboration, and cooperation to succeed as Americans.
Some members of Congress are more focused on division and disruption, derailing problem-solving. That's not leadership or representation. It's obstruction.
I look forward to overwhelming bipartisan support to fix Social Security and Medicare, not to destroy them. I watch the 117th Congress and pray they work together to protect our environment, not ignore the problems we face, that they improve the education of our youth, not accept its failure, that we support the middle class, families, and workers, and promote businesses and innovation.
We need hope.
We need solutions.
We deserve a bright future.