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A Letter to Northern Michigan and the UP, by Tom and Mary Schoeller

We enthusiastically and publicly endorse Dr. Bob Lorinser for Michigan's 1st District Congressional seat. We're lucky to have such an experienced, caring, competent, and hardworking person running to represent Northern Michiganders and Yoopers. 

Bob Lorinser has exactly the personality, experience, and heart we need Up North to represent us.


He needs our help securing a big win in the Democratic primary on August 6th to face off against Rep. Jack Bergman.


Bergman must be defeated, and Dr. Bob has a much better chance of unseating him in a second run. Your contributions help propel his campaign to victory. Can you join me with a gift tonight?

Here's why:


Unlike his challenger, the UP is Bob's permanent home. He's built his career here and raised his family here. He knows our issues. He's been a diplomat, social worker, educator, Medical Director, and leader in public health. He is a gifted family physician.


Bob is as bright as a whip but still very approachable. He's passionate about caring for the needs of our communities and has demonstrated his ability to do just that for years.


He has no hidden agenda and no one he's beholden to. (He does not accept big corporate PAC money.)


What you see is what you get from Dr. Bob. He's a straight shooter.


Bob's honesty, integrity, and passion for people impress you the first time you meet him. He'll gladly and respectfully work with anyone on either side of the aisle—conservatives, moderates, or liberals. He's humble, yet obviously a man of high character.


I'm eager to support Doc because of his policies. He's dedicated to promoting small businesses, labor reform, and livable wages. He's committed to expanding public education, housing, at-risk youth and mental health services, and child care.


He promotes Medicare for all, addressing climate change, protecting our Social Security, and restoring Roe nationwide. He's also passionate about protecting our Democracy from threats from within and outside.


As of April 2024, Bob has raised more in-district funds than Rep. Bergman (who gets much of his funding from PACs and out-state, where he lives part-time.) Dr. Bob also has more endorsements from community leaders and public servants than Bergman. 


In many years of watching various political campaigns develop, we haven't seen such a committed, hardworking candidate! Ever. Bob is tough, and he has pledged to run a positive campaign. That's refreshing and rare these days. 


If passion, caring, competence, and plain old hard work were the main factors in winning elections, Dr. Bob would be a shoo-in. 


Please join me tonight with a contribution. To get the man we deserve in D.C., Bob needs us now.


Thank you,


Tom and Mary Schoeller

Ironwood, MI

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