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Where has all the housing gone?

Housing is a basic human necessity. Yet, affordable housing is increasingly difficult to attain for many Americans.

Times are tough for many in our workforce. If you can afford to give, Dr. Bob needs your help getting to Congress so he can serve members of our community in need of housing. Can you make a contribution today?

NORTHERN, Mich. — Housing is considered “affordable” if it consumes less than 30% of a household’s total income. Unfortunately, nearly half of renters are paying more, some spending over half of their income.

What are the effects?

  • It places greater stress on paying for other necessities — food, healthcare, and transportation.

  • It limits the ability to change or find a better-paying job.

Affordable housing is vital to our communities and economic well-being. If our workforce cannot afford to live in the communities that employ them, there are worker shortages, fewer jobs, and fewer resources for a community to sustain itself.

Why has the housing gone?

  • Increased low income and decreased middle-income residents who can’t afford the current housing.

  • Lack of supply. America has fallen short of 3.8 million houses by some estimates.

  • Cost of building

  • Attitudes — Not In My Backyard (NIMBYism) needs to be replaced with YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard)

  • Land-use regulations / zoning

  • Inadequate financial support; local, state, and federal tax credits to those in need

  • Profit. Increasingly corporate involvement

  • And sometimes Greedflation

To tackle this issue and care for our neighbors, we need a representative willing to find solutions. My opponent has publicly stated it is not a federal issue deserving his attention.

If elected, I will work at a federal level with state, tribal, and local leaders to ensure all hard-working residents in my district can attain the basic human need of housing.

This is who we are — caring, committed neighbors and friends, employers and workers, and community leaders. It will take a federal leader willing to bring all players to the table, but we can do this together. Together, we will address this issue. Together.


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