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Toxic stamp sands in Lake Superior are an eco-disaster, threatening marine life

The threat of toxic sands looms large over Lake Superior, endangering its fish population and the very existence of Buffalo Reef.

Because of its ecological and economic impacts, this is a problem we cannot ignore, and it is high time we take decisive action.

In the Copper Country region, the remnants of copper mining from a century ago have left behind a destructive force known as stamp sand. This crushed ore is wreaking havoc on the vital breeding grounds for lake trout and whitefish, which form the cornerstone of Lake Superior's commercial catch.

Fortunately, scientists are collaborating with tribal communities and state and federal agencies to develop a multi-year cleanup plan, a necessary investment to prevent the permanent loss of this crucial habitat. 

I fully support the effort to secure federal funds, and I call upon all legislators to stand in solidarity and lend their support.

Sadly, my opponent, Rep. Jack Bergman, has consistently opposed and attempted to defund important agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). 

He dismisses these agencies as sources of wasteful federal spending and advocates for the dismantling of environmental protection and remediation efforts. Drastically reducing their funding would render projects like this cleanup virtually impossible.

As a nation, we must prioritize environmentally friendly mining practices and take responsibility for our missteps. When we make errors, it is our duty to actively assist in the cleanup and restoration process.

Preserving the delicate balance of our marine ecosystems is not only an environmental imperative but also a testament to our commitment to future generations. 

Let us unite, reject shortsighted policies, and proactively address the threat posed by toxic sands. Together, we can protect Lake Superior's marine life and secure a sustainable future for all.

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