On Sun. Sept. 4, in the Cheboygan Tribune and news media across the district, Rep. Jack Bergman lauded a role he said he played in a $500,000 federal investment granted to Moran Iron Works in Onaway.
Dr. Bob Lorinser, Bergman's opponent, is challenging the claim because the incumbent representative voted against the budget package that funded the project. To donate to an honest campaign that values integrity and truth, please make a contribution to Dr. Bob today.
ONAWAY, Mich. — The U.S. Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration (MARAD) recently awarded $19.6 million to 24 shipyards in 19 states through the Small Shipyard Grant Program, with Moran Iron Works of Onaway solely representing Michigan.
"This is a great project," said Dr. Bob Lorinser. "Congratulations to Moran Iron Works for being included in the funding. I agree with my opponent that this is a critical investment. Unfortunately, Jack Bergman had nothing to do with it, and if the majority of Congress voted as he did on the 2022 Appropriations Bill, it would not have happened."
Bergman claims — with Sen. Debbie Stabenow and Sen. Gary Peters — he "petitioned" for the funding. The Small Shipyard Grant Program was authorized under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 Pub. L. 117-103, passed on March 15, 2022. The established Small Shipyard program received new funding under the package. Stabenow and Peters voted in favor of the 2022 omnibus bill, but Bergman did not.
"One of the most important duties of a Congressman is to vote on legislation and to make sure your votes are representative of the people who put you in that position," said Dr. Lorinser. "My opponent has a habit of voting 'No' on projects and still taking credit in the press when the people of his district feel the benefits of those bills.
"It's not enough to write letters. We need a Congressman willing to look at the big picture of his votes and understand how they will benefit our way of life and the hard working people of Northern Michigan and the UP."
Lorinser has also questioned Bergman's commitment to Soo Locks funding after voting against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, and regularly fact-checks his opponent regarding other statements about the omnibus budget package. The bill also sent $1.2 million to NMU for broadband expansion in rural UP communities. Bergman said he was proud to champion the project.
"How do you 'champion' something you voted against?" asked Dr. Lorinser.
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About Dr. Lorinser
Dr. Bob Lorinser (D-MI1) hopes to serve and represent constituents in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. He faces Rep. Jack Bergman (R, Acme) in the general mid-term election on Tues. Nov. 8, 2022. For more information, visit VoteDrBob.com.