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Lorinser challenges Bergman on economic post

After Dr. Bob Lorinser participated in Bergman's comment section to propose an economic debate discussing solutions to inflation, the Bergman campaign blocked Lorinser from viewing, commenting on, and tagging the incumbent's Facebook page.

Today, my opponent said I'm "out of touch" with Michigan's needs because the President championed a bill called the 'Inflation Reduction Act'. I don't see the connection. I called this a good economic bill for everyday Americans - but from the beginning, I said it was a misnomer, as it didn't do nearly enough to combat inflation.

Bergman offers no solutions, just endless empty rhetoric.

Fact: Inflation is a big problem.

Who's problem? My opponent stated inflation is because of the policies of one political party, further exacerbating the partisan divide. His solution? To de-elect the other party.

That's not leadership, and it's not based in reality.

What are the facts?

Under Democratic administrations since World War II:

  • The economy grew 4.4% each year versus 2.5%.

  • The stock market S&P 500 averaged11.1% versus 6.9%. 

  • There have been four recessions since Reagan — Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Trump and two under George W. Bush, all Republicans.

  • Republicans add between 0.75% and 1.2% more to the deficit as a percent of GDP each year they are in office, e.g. My opponent voted in favor of tax cuts for the ultrawealthy that caused the third largest deficit in US history.

  • We have had eight Inflation spikes since 1940 greater than 6% and 5 related to oil 

  • 1940 - 20% post-WWII removal of price controls, supply, constraints, and penned-up demand

  • 1950 - 10% Korean war

  • 1970 - 7% late social expansion effect from Medicaid and Medicare; 12-15% oil shocks

  • 1990 - 6% Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

  • 2008 -  6% gas prices spike

  • 2022 - 8.3% currently but  two months ago it was over 10%

What is causing inflation now and what can be done?

The causes — many still linked to the pandemic — are listed below in bold and what we can do to mitigate each in bullet points.

Persistent supply-chain disruptions and transportation issues.

  • Let’s hope to avoid the pending railroad strike as this will greatly worsen this.

  • It is critical we improve our infrastructure and address supply chain issues to make trade more efficient. My opponent voted against the bi-partisan infrastructure bill.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine significantly affects food and energy prices.

  • We must produce more at home, accelerate a surgical and strategic transition from fossil fuels, and support a strong international foreign policy to prevent and quickly resolve further attacks on foreign allies.

China's ongoing economic shutdown is still a major contributor.

  • We must strengthen global public health defenses to prevent another pandemic crisis.

Fewer workers in the labor force and changing values of workers result in higher labor costs and decreased productivity, quiet quitting.

  • We need to invest in reforms to expand the labor force:

    • Paid family leave.

    • Invest in childcare and pre-school.

    • Offer tax credits that help women, minorities, and lower-income workers join the workforce.

    • Immigration reform with border security, targeted toward expanding the labor force and strengthening skills..

    • Treat and respect workers as partners not as a commodity to be traded or controlled.

    • Incentivize innovation and investment and increase access to affordable postsecondary training and education to increase productivity.

Inexpensive borrowing.

  • It's why the Feds are increasing interest rates.

Savings from government stimulus programs and two years of low spending

  • This has ended.


  • Tax wealthy investors. The richest 10 percent consume as much as the bottom 40 percent. This would decrease demand.

  • Use antitrust to curb corporate profiteering. Monopolies increase our vulnerability to price-gouging and collusion. This would decrease prices.

Difficult times require strong leaders.

Jack Bergman wants to blame others and disregards the facts. He offers no meaningful solutions. Unacceptable.

I want a Representative who can, and will tell the truth even when it hurts, and do it with temperance. Truth is: inflation hurts, but if our Congressman can't even identify the cause, he'll never be part of the solution.

  • Prices have been essentially flat the last two months (July 0% and August 0.1 %) as compared to May (1.0%) and June (1.3%). This is good news for American families. 

  • The National Federation of Independent Business reported that its Small Business Optimism Index rose in August as inflation anxiety eased.

  • The Federal Reserve Bank reported consumer inflation expectations are falling. Consumers are optimistic of our future; Why can’t my opponent agree? Utterly

  • Strong job growth and consumer spending continues.

  • All parties are trying hard to avoid recession. I wish my opponent would, too.

We are in difficult times, and we need problem solvers, not angry Tweeters. Difficult times demand truth-tellers to look at the facts and find meaningful solutions. I'm ready for the challenge. Our current Representative proves time and again, he is not.


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