You can help extend our fundraising efforts by downloading the .pdf of our letter and sending it to a friend.
Dear, Friend,
It's no secret. In the past 10 years, Michigan's 1st Congressional District has been an uphill climb for Democrats. But, I would have never gotten into this race if I didn't see a clear path to victory this November. We have too much to lose not to win. Our very democracy is at stake.
I'm confident we can make history and flip this seat. We've already accomplished so much. If you've been following our campaign on social media, on the airwaves, or in the paper, it's clear we have the upper hand on my opponent in messaging. We're rallying the Democratic base and convincing independents, swing voters, and even Republicans to join in the fight to defeat Jack Bergman. The momentum is building.
It's finally becoming clear to voters in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula that the incumbent isn't working for everyday Michiganders. We need a Representative who is answerable to citizens, someone accountable who will fight for legislation that benefits people, not millionaire donors or corporate lobbyists.
Jack Bergman voted against working families when he opposed the Child Tax Credit. Jack Bergman voted against VA improvements, against Soo Locks funding, against rural broadband, and against making insulin affordable. He opposed the Bi-partisan Infrastructure Plan and voted against legislation that saved small businesses during the pandemic.
We can disagree on policy, and that's the beauty of our democracy. But, Jack Bergman's actions threaten the very values that were built. First, he incited Jan. 6 violence with his divisive rhetoric and inappropriate involvement in an election lawsuit. He then discounted every voter in the district. Our Nation, State and members of Michigan’s 1st District citizens deserve much better.
So, every day, from now through election day, I will work non-stop to prove to voters — regardless of their party affiliation — that they have a better option. Our message is resonating with constituents across the political spectrum.
We've conducted over 35 town halls in every single county. With less than 100 days before the primary election, we've already made contact with over half the constituency. I'm unopposed on the August ballot after an unprecedented volunteer effort gathered nearly four times the required petition signatures in record time.
We still have a lot of work to do, and we're up against a lot. Our grassroots fundraising is going well, but my opponent is trying to buy this election.
Jack Bergman is using taxpayer money to mislead voters on controversial wedge issues. In two weeks, he unethically spent over $30,000 of his office allowance (your money) on inflammatory, fearmongering Facebook ads. It's legal, but it's wrong. Northern Michigan and the U.P. deserve a Congressman with a moral compass.
Unseating an incumbent is tough, but more than ever before, it's achievable. I just need you in my corner.
If I can reach every voter and tell them about our vision for the district, we will flip this seat and bring ethical, dignified leadership back to the 1st. We have to convince one in 12 former GOP supporters to change their minds. It's easy to do when we can present the facts to the voters, but in the second largest district east of the Mississippi, outreach requires a lot of resources.
To win, we need to ramp up our efforts, and we need to accelerate now.
Opposing Bergman isn't the only reason I'm running for Congress. I have a vision for the 1st District that centers around service. I spent my entire adult life in public service — as a social worker in a V.A. hospital, as a physician serving Navajo Nation, then in family practice in the U.P. while working with patients who have mental illness and emotional disorders. I have lived, worked, and played in the district since 1989.
After nearly two decades of practicing rural healthcare, I served another decade as a diplomat for the U.S. State Department in Pakistan, North Korea, Afghanistan, North Africa, and Iraq. When I returned home to retire, I instead opted to serve my county as the health department medical director in the middle of the pandemic.
Service is my life, and now it's my duty to defeat Jack Bergman because my district has been underserved for too long.
When I'm honored to continue my service as MI01's next Congressman, I will fight for universal healthcare, better jobs with living wages, a thriving economy, small businesses, infrastructure improvements, environmental protection, affordable childcare, voting rights, and so much more. Our website defines my vision and outlines my platform. I encourage you to research and compare me to my opponent. Review our qualifications, experience, character, and policies, and may the best candidate earn your support.
Friend, I can't do this without you.
If you're on board with my candidacy, today I am asking for a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more. Your gift will help organize volunteers and connect with voters through mailers, door-to-door canvassing, and phone banking. We must stay competitive. To get to Congress, protect our democracy, and represent my constituency well, I need you now.