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Rep. Bergman cosponsors celebration of public broadcasting, but supports its complete defunding

Wrong. Just plainly wrong. Rep. Bergman backed a bipartisan resolution honoring Public Radio Music Day, yet he and the GOP label public broadcasting "wasteful spending" and have proposed its complete defunding.

Once again, my opponent publicly celebrates what he seeks to destroy. Help me replace Jack Bergman.

In a recent resolution, Congressman Jack Bergman cosponsored a celebration of Public Broadcasting, specifically designating October 25 as Public Radio Music Day. 

However, Republicans have suggested zero funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). This could have a significant impact on the viability of public broadcasting, as approximately 15% of its funding comes from CPB nationwide.

The suggested zero funding for CPB by Republicans is viewed as an attempt to label federal public broadcasting funding as "wasteful spending." 

How can Bergman celebrate something while simultaneously trying to dismantle it?

CPB funding plays a vital role in supporting networks like NPR and PBS, with Interlochen Radio in Michigan's First District alone receiving around $250,000 last year. The loss of CPB funding would undoubtedly have a serious impact on the financial model of these networks.

WNMU Public Radio 90 would be similarly impacted with the budget that Bergman supports.

As a cosponsor of this resolution, Jack Bergman should not be proud or honored for supporting the defunding of CPB. 

This undermines CPB's mission of providing universal access to non-commercial, high-quality content and telecommunications services, ultimately doing a disservice to the citizens of the 1st District.

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