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My education was only made possible through social mobility programs - Dr. Bob Lorinser

The bigger problem regarding SCOTUS's student debt relief decision — education is grossly inequitable.

It's troubling to witness the apparent political influence on the highest court in the land. The Constitution is not a partisan football.

We have strayed from our path in prioritizing education, and it is time to set things right.

I was fortunate to pay only 20% of the costs, with state and federal aid covering the rest. Things have changed dramatically. Today, students are burdened with covering 80% of the expenses, as postsecondary training and education costs skyrocketed beyond inflation.

As someone from a lower-middle-class background, I cannot help but question whether I would have been able to pursue my dream of becoming a family doctor in this current system. Sadly, the answer is a resounding no.

Beyond my bachelor's degree, I worked my way from community college to medical school and achieved three advanced degrees. My family's financial situation couldn't support this endeavor without assistance, and the exorbitant cost of this path today keeps it accessible almost exclusively to the privileged — increasing the divide between the haves and the have nots.

The crux lies in America's failure to recognize that education is the cornerstone of our middle class.

Educated individuals not only bolster our democracy, but also earn higher incomes and contribute significantly to our nation's revenue.

Other countries understand the value of education and ensure it is accessible to all by shouldering the entire cost through government funding. We, on the other hand, have lost our way.

Education and healthcare are key priorities for our nation's future. Do not let anyone convince you otherwise. And avoid falling for the notion that we cannot afford to invest in these areas. Quite the contrary, we simply cannot afford not to take action.

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