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“Day in the Life” – Dr. Bob shares a personal behind-the-scenes look at life at home

Dr. Bob Lorinser, a candidate for US Congress in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, shares a personal glimpse of a day after pounding the pavement on the campaign trail.

GWINN, Mich. — I want voters to understand more about who I am and get a glimpse of what I do as a candidate, a public health officer, husband, and friend. This is my 'Day in the Life' at home in Gwinn and Marquette. I just returned from several days pounding the pavement on the campaign trail.

6 am - 8 am — I wake up with a cup of coffee reading about economics from the Wall Street Journal, foreign policy from Foreign Affairs, COVID-19 from multiple sources, and news from the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal. I quickly channel surf between two very different news networks and I'm disheartened with the biases.

8 am - 12 noon — I meet with medical providers about improving school-based community clinics to meet the needs of rural students. There are too many obstacles for rural Michiganders accessing health care. I'm disappointed in my opponent's lack of attention to the needs of this great district.

12 noon - 1 pm — Peggy, my wife of 40 years, and I enjoy each other's company over lunch (leftover chili).

1- 2 pm — I'm analyzing data about acceptable school mitigating efforts during the current COVID-19 surge. My #1 priority is the health of our community, taking feedback from parents, students, and other citizens, but ensuring science remains the core part of the discussion.

2 - 4:30 pm — Call time. I'm connecting with constituents – people who agree and disagree with me. I'm eager to listen, learn from, and understand the issues facing hard-working families.

4:30 pm - 5 pm — I'm reading Jack Bergman's position on a critical environmental issue, questioning his sources, unimpressed with the lack of facts to support his opinion. Wouldn't it be excellent to see a debate with Jack and myself hosted by expert independent fact-checkers alongside the moderators? I'm excited about the opportunity to debate. Unfortunately, I don't think Jack Bergman has the courage. He hasn't participated in a town hall since his first term.

5 - 8 pm — I'm out to dinner and playing Euchre with four friends; friends across the entire political spectrum, engaging in lively and civil debates regarding:

  • Criminal Justice

  • Racism

  • Economy

  • Education

  • Politics

I question whether or not our current Representative in Congress could say something like this. I spent three hours with four friends whose political passions don't align with mine, and we had a wonderful evening.

We discussed, bantered, shared opinions, agreed, and disagreed. We challenged each other's facts and questioned solutions. We laughed, and at other times we didn't. My friends and I didn't solve all of America's problems, but we did maintain one of our most fundamental values: civility. We remained friends. In a divided America, there is nothing better for healing than conversation. No yelling, no name-calling, no insults.

9 pm - 10 pm — I've arrived home. I'm doing household chores and discussing the next day's planned events with Peggy. We share family updates about our children and grandchildren. I kissed her goodnight.

I am reflecting on call-time ("dialing for dollars"). I'm proud that many individual donors currently fund this campaign. This district is geographically gigantic, and campaigning here takes a lot of resources. I am frustrated that our country hasn't addressed campaign finance reform because I'd much rather utilize my time to talk one-on-one with voters. Unfortunately, winning requires the necessary evil of asking for money. I'm not a fan. I barely can let someone else pick up the tab at dinner. But, I'm getting used to it and am very humbled by the financial support. Thank you. I need you.

10 pm - 1 am — I've got 100 emails to read. Some need replies. I'm doing more research on essential issues and writing this blog to tell you who I am.

1 am — I have an idea. As we continue the listening tour, I also want to partake in public town halls and invite concerned constituents from all walks of life, from every party affiliation. I want Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to join me and see for themselves why they should vote for a candidate who puts the lives of Northern Michiganders and Yoopers first. I'll discuss this tomorrow with my staff.

1:15 am — Lights out.

Earlier in the week, I was on the campaign trail in Northern Michigan. I met with business leaders, economic developers, working families, and Veterans at events in three counties. I visited Kirtland Community College and was impressed with their vision, providing students with affordable educational and vocational training. I listened to business owners describe their difficulty attracting employees and express frustration with the supply chain shortage. I met with workers and heard their struggles to make ends meet. Everyone here needs better representation, now.

As I run for Congress, I strive to represent each of you. I will respect you. I will listen. We can discuss, we can agree or disagree. I will be forthcoming and open. I will do my best to make our district, State, and Nation a better place to live, work and play. So help me, God.

This is why I am running for Congress.

Goodnight from Gwinn, Michigan.

– Dr. Bob

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