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Obstruction and cynicism isn't an honorable political platform

Political cynicism comes easy, but the honorable work of a Congressman is offering meaningful solutions.

We need fewer politicians focused on squawk and more disciplined Representatives committed to serving everyday people with integrity.

IRON MOUNTAIN, Mich. — After reading Jack Bergman's press release following Tuesday's State of the Nation address, I remain confused about my opponent's actual positions. He lacks substance, projects exclusive negativity, and offers no meaningful solutions.

The theme of his message is that all government is incompetent, radical, and draconian unless it fits his agenda.

I agree the people of Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula are "fiercely independent" in spirit. I also agree an overly large Federal government doesn't benefit everyday Americans. So, we should only champion effective and efficient Federal programs. However, the sentiment that Michigan's First District is better off left alone is truly outrageous.

Similar to how he champions government funding when it suits him, the people of the First District are simply asking Congress to support their goals.

Without the cooperation and assistance of others — including family, friends, neighbors, non-profits, and local, state, tribal, and national governments — we all would suffer immensely. Not realizing this principle leads him to oppose common-sense legislation. He voted against small-business relief, roads, bridges, rural broadband, Soo Locks funding, VA improvements, Veterans' healthcare, and more.

If the majority of Congress voted as my opponent does, the great people of this district wouldn't be able to survive, much less thrive.

The First District cannot go at it alone. We cannot just rely entirely upon our freedom without State or Federal programs. We cannot just forgo state and national taxes and do it ourselves.

Our Republic was founded not only on individual liberty. Our founders established the Nation on civic virtue and living in unity with our fellow citizens. Roads, bridges, utilities, hospitals and healthcare, education, and the economy depend on us working together to be effective and efficient.

Citizens should be able to pose questions to our current Representative via email, letter, phone, or if really lucky, in discussion with him at an open town hall.


To my First District Representative,

I am interested in meaningful solutions to problems facing this Nation. Do you have any solutions? What would you do? We the People — all 704,000 of us in MI01 — are eager to hear your actual plans.

  • How would you solve the border crisis?

  • How would you address a broken immigration system?

  • What energy policies do you support, and why?

  • How would you mitigate climate change?

  • In what ways are you working toward conservation and land/water protection?

  • How would you solve a global inflation problem that's intimately related to the COVID pandemic?

  • How would you unclog the supply chain?

  • How are you working to reduce the cost of energy, housing, healthcare, and education?


I fear this great Nation, the State of Michigan, and our beloved First District cities and towns would collapse under my opponent's skewed idea of freedom.

I will concede not everything in the past year has worked as planned with excellent results. But, I remain frightened of what my opponent would have done if he had his way. I shudder to think of the ineffective, unfunded strategies for COVID-19, small business relief, economic recovery, the environment, infrastructure, and more. So many people would suffer, and our cherished way of life would be in ruin. Would he vote again for another unfunded $2 trillion tax cuts for giant corporations and the super-rich?

I want to know what solutions my opponent supports regarding the global threat in Ukraine, the defense of democracy, sovereignty, and the rule of law. People have also demanded to know whether or not he agrees with our ex-President, who called Putin a genius after the invasion. Ultimately, they deserve a far more accessible Congressman. Right now, they deserve answers. Does he condemn the statement, or does he remain loyal? I am even more frightened by his possible response.

My only conclusion is that our current Representative has no plan, and fundamentally lacks substance.

As I have traveled from town hall to town hall — nearly 20 of them — I have learned from members of the First District through listening and discussion. They want real solutions to problems. Their desire for someone with better character pushing better policies is why we craft and publish solutions nearly every day.

People want a problem solver who is able to cooperate, collaborate, and compromise. They need someone willing to say "please," "thank you," "you're welcome," and sometimes, "I am sorry."

One of my biggest fears for the district is the re-election of someone not capable or unwilling to offer their constituents this kind of principled leadership. I will be honored to take over and represent all of you.

— Dr. Bob Lorinser

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About Dr. Lorinser

For his entire career, Dr. Bob Lorinser (D-MI1) has dedicated his life to the service of his community and country.

After receiving three advanced degrees (Medical Doctor, Masters of Social Work, and Masters in Public Health), Dr. Lorinser worked as a social worker in a Veterans Affairs Hospital and as a physician with the Indian Health Service, serving the Navajo Nation. In 1989, he found his home in Michigan's First District, where he practiced family medicine for three decades.

Dr. Bob joined the U.S. Department of State's Foreign Services in 2011 to serve as a diplomat and Regional Medical Officer. The Lorinsers served the United States for ten years, with tours in Pakistan, South Korea, Afghanistan, Morocco, and Iraq.

When he returned to the states in 2020, Dr. Bob offered his services as Medical Director of Marquette County Health Department. He and his wife of 40 years, Peggy, live in Gwinn and have three children and four granddaughters.

Dr. Bob Lorinser hopes to serve and represent constituents in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. He is unopposed in the Democrat primary and poised to face Rep. Jack Bergman (R, Acme) in the general mid-term election this November. For more information, visit


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