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Dr. Bob Lorinser is seeking "bail" after being "locked up" in UPAWS celebrity fundraiser

Dr. Bob Lorinser is seeking "bail" after being "locked up" for the Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter's Celebrity Home for the Holidays Fundraiser.

MARQUETTE, Mich. – I am excited to participate in the Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter's "Home for the Holidays Kennel Lock-Up Fundraiser." The Lorinsers are passionate about pet adoption and supporting the efforts of UPAWS. I value its mission to care for homeless, unwanted, abandoned, or abuse domestic animals. Peggy and I have partnered with dogs for decades until we left to go overseas to serve with the State Department. Most of our pets have come from UPAWS-like places. Throughout our marriage, we have taken in three dogs and one stray kitten. We're thankful for adoption organizations for the enjoyment our pets bring to our children. I say we "partnered with dogs" and not "owned" because they are genuinely part of our family. We are proud to offer our services as grandparents to our children's dogs, one of which arrived from UPAWS, Bentley Ray, who many know. A contribution to my Congressional campaign is always welcome, but in addition, I'm asking you please consider a donation to Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter to "bail me out." – Dr. Bob

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